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Jennifer A. Alexiou-Ray, Ph.D.
Professor of Instructional Technology & Leadership
Director of Graduate Studies, College of Education & Human Development
Instructional Technology, Professional Educator Master, & Applied Instruction Program Coordinator
University of Montevallo, Montevallo, AL
(2018) ED 693: Instructional Technology Research & Practicum
This course is part of the capstone course sequence for the Ed.S. degree in Instructional Technology. Students begin their action research sequence in the Fall semester and finish it in the Spring. This is the second half of the research sequence, where students focus on data collection and analysis of a self-identified action research problem. Students participate in obtaining administrator or IRB approval conducting the research, and many take the final step of attempting to publish their work. Additionally, they participate in peer review and final program completion projects during this course.
Course Textbook:
Digging Deeper Into Action Research: A Teacher Inquirer's Field Guide
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