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(2023) ED 529/629: Survey of Instructional Technology Leadership

An online course that services the Instructional Technology Ed.S. and Professional Educators Master's Programs. This class is a fully online class and serves as the pre-requisite class for the Ed.S. degree in Instructional Technology. One of the characteristics of this class that also pervades the Ed.S. degree program is the commitment to creating a collaborative environment comparable to a face-to-face degree program. The students begin a blog that follows them throughout their IT program. In addition, the text that is used focuses on digital writing, which I believe can lay the groundwork for helping students and teachers become more technologically literate. Finally, students are asked to choose between a selection of professional development books for their final project to guide their learning but offer choices based on their professional context. 

Course Textbook:

Argument in the Real World: Teaching Adolescents to Read and Write Digital Texts


(2023) ED 529/629: Survey of Instructional Technology Leadership
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